Moovit is a tool that allows to plan trips by public transport and route and estimated travel time.
Moovit detailed instructions for how to get to our destination using different modes of transport.
Moovit is a tool that allows to plan trips by public transport and route and estimated travel time.
Moovit detailed instructions for how to get to our destination using different modes of transport.
Bezeroen arreta / Atención al usuario:
Kudeaketak, Iradokizunak eta erreklamazioak
Gestiones, sugerencias y reclamaciones
900 840 655
Ordutegia - Horario :
A - O / L- V : 7:30 - 20:00
Larunbat / Sabados : 9:00 - 15:00
Bizkaiko Garraio Partzuergoa
Consorcio de Transportes de Bizkaia
Ugasko, 5 bis, 1º 48014-Bilbao
94 476 61 50 | Fax 94 475 00 21