Over 600,000 journeys made using Gazte ticket by the year end.

The ticket created by Consorcio de Transportes de Bizkaia for travellers aged under 26 registered as resident in Bizkaia can be used on Metro Bilbao, Bizkaibus and Bilbobus services (and on the Artxanda funicular railway). A total of 603,889 journeys were made using this type of ticket in less that 6 months from its introduction.

The ticket created by Consorcio de Transportes de Bizkaia for travellers aged under 26 registered as resident in Bizkaia can be used on Metro Bilbao, Bizkaibus and Bilbobus services (and on the Artxanda funicular railway). A total of 603,889 journeys were made using this type of ticket in less that 6 months from its introduction on 21 July 2014 and the end of the year.
Gazte ticket holders are entitled to discounts of 50% on single fares and 20 or 30% on Creditrasn fares.
There are currently 8,200 Gazte type Barik cards enabled for use in Bizkaia.
